Tabula Rasa: cleansing, centering and integrating

ta·bu·la ra·sa
ˈtäbyo͝olə ˈräsə,ˈräzə/
  1. an absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate.
    “the team did not have complete freedom and a tabula rasa from which to work”
    • the human mind, especially at birth, viewed as having no innate ideas.


Sometimes, in order to stand in our power, we have to wipe the slate clean. We have to start over, and have the courage to let go of what needs releasing.

There is a beautiful dual current that shows up during this time of year. One one side we have the celebration, the joy, the giving and receiving. On the other we have the dying, the darkness, and the emotional struggle that often also arises. This beautiful duality is a powerful teacher. It gives us contrast that creates growth, and it offers us possibility.

Wiping the slate clean takes work. It’s a process. Not everything gets wiped away with ease. The hardest part is starting, making the commitment to show up to whatever process of cleansing works best for you. This is a great time of the year to open, to engage, to begin. What’s holding you back from stepping into your power? What’s creating stagnation in your current experience? What do you need to do in this moment to begin healing?

Cleansing can take many forms. Sometimes we have to start with our physical spaces. De-cluttering our lives of unnecessary “things”, donating them to those in need, examining our attachments are all important. Sometimes it means taking the broom the the floors, putting hands in dishwater, organizing a workspace.

We may feel the call to cleanse the body. Taking a warm bath. Moving the body through dance, yoga, going for a walk–building body heat and sweat. It may mean changing out diets to be more nutritious.

We may feel the need to cleanse the inner temple. Meditating, engaging in energy healing, breathing deeply, and journaling are ways to bring balance and awareness to the inner space.

The missing piece of the puzzle is integration. Once we begin the process of cleansing mind, body, and spirit energy begins to move. How you integrate into life after the cleansing phase is just as important as the process of cleansing. Being at center, is being fully integrated.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into cleansing processes. We’ll also discuss how to integrate after the changes. The path of full integration is not an easy one, but it is necessary.

Take time to feel where you are in your body. Take a moment to bring awareness to your inner and outer spaces. Breathe deeply. Know that you are loved.

No Holding Back

Over the past few months, I’ve been given a lot of clarity.  I feel that I’ve been holding back a lot of my life.  I feel myself opening to new energies, and new and deeper understanding of spirituality.  Each day I sit with my soul in deep conversation.  I’m learning to listen, and more importantly to trust.

My intuition and my guides have been giving me a lot of new information recently.  New downloads seem to be a daily thing.  Some of the information is going to be radical, and some of it a gentle reminder to return to ourselves.  I’ve also been given some new processes that’ll I will also be sharing over the next few months.  Lot’s of changes are ahead.  I’ve been feeling the call to simplify my life, my spirituality, and work.  Change is never easy, but as we move into greater states of trust, we know that change is also powerful.  I feel that as teaches, readers, healers, as we evolve we also help those coming to us evolve as well.  It means there is more work to do, and a new level of experience is opening up.

I’ve found myself holding back from sharing the information that’s been coming through, but we are entering a time where it is necessary for us to connect to our soul energy at the deepest levels possible.  Some of the information that will be delivered may not resonate with everyone, and that is okay.  When we come up to the edges of our reality, when we encounter challenge, we learn are then able to grow.  We also encounter deepening at those moments of challenge.  It’s time for us to take ownership of our experiences, to take claim to the power inherent in each of us.  Communities are starting to come together, soul families are being born and created, and the flow of etheric information is on the rise.  Now is the time to listen deeply, find time for stillness and silence, and open to your highest levels of intent.

When we encounter new information it can be challenging and even frightening to bring it through.  I’ve been seeing many light workers waking up to their divine purpose, and then taking the leap and putting themselves out there and into the world.  This is the time to shine our light as bright as possible, and it truly is inspiring to see so many communities and individuals taking off the reigns and transmitting new information with intent.

If you are finding yourself holding back because of fear, judgement, or otherwise… just know that it is time to step deeper into and onto your path.  There are teams of etheric beings that are there to assist you, and there are many others in this reality that are also waiting for you to step up to the podium.

One of my teachers Consuela Newton closes many of her talks with this quote from Matthew.  This has become my mantra in a way..

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify God.


Take a moment to see where you are holding back in your life.  What is calling you?  Where do you feel you need to be more present?  What can you do in this moment to move into greater connection to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell


Weekend Specials, Radio Show, and Life

rtrbuddhaI hope that everyone is doing well.  Life has been up and down for many (myself included).  Be sure that you are taking time to breath.  Take a few moments each day to be in gratitude for all that life is bringing you–yes, even the struggle.  The struggle that we go through is a teacher, it helps to bring us to our edges, and helps us to initiate change.   Take a moment and just breathe. Place your hands on your heart, and feel the drum of your life beating, moving life force through your very existence.  This is what life is really all about.  Finding a bit of stillness in the chaos.  Don’t get so hung up on the small things.  Allow yourself to have grace, peace and love.  The world will bring its challenges.  Life will be difficult.  Decisions will not be easy… and even in all of this we can find love.  The grass is already green where you are.  Stand in power, stand in love, and let your breath move you.


–I’ve just loaded up my website with the reading specials for June!  So head over and check those out.  I am also offering some really great offers for this weekend (5/30-6/1).  If you purchase a 30 or 60 min reading this weekend, you’ll get one free.  You can share the extra reading with a friend, use it for a follow-up, or just keep it for a future “soul check up”.  The sessions are good for 6 months, so you don’t have to book them right away.  This is a great deal since they are combined with the already reduced rates!  Click here to go to my site, or fill out the form below.  If you are currently going through a financial hardship and still want to get a reading, do not hesitate to contact me.  We can always work out an exchange, a payment plan, etc.

–I am also offering $6 email readings.  These are great if you want a bit of a soul nudge, or just have a few questions.  These usually take me about 24 hours to respond to, and you can ask up to 3 questions you’d like guidance on. For more information or to schedule a session just click here. You can also fill out the form below.

Soul Interaction Radio is up and running!  Be sure to check it out.  I am going all out with it, and really hope that we can keep the momentum going.  We are currently airing 5 days a week, and I have some AMAZING guests lined up for the show.  Here is the current schedule.

Monday- 7pm EST Soul Meditations (meditation talk and guided meditation)

Tuesdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Wednesdays- 9pm Applied Spirit.  Learn how to apply your spiritual life to your everyday life

Thursdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Fridays- Soul Satsang: This show is a divine transmission. It is about creating and solidifying our touchstones for truth.  I tune into spirit, and we flow through guided meditations, channeled messages, healing, and spiritual discussion.  I am working out the time and format, and that will be found on the BlogTalk channel.

– I am also getting more active on YouTube, so be sure to check out the Soul Interaction Channel!

****I am going to be hosting classes via Google Hangout.  These will be mini workshops on meditation, channeling, A Course in Miracles, and the Oneness Transmissions.  If  you are interesting in learning more you can email me at:  and follow my facebook page to get the updates:  SoulIntuitive


Just remember, take some time for you.  Start living your life to the fullest NOW. Stop tiptoeing around your soul journey and start living it.  Trust your intuition, and take the leap!

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.  


Michael Brazell CFT CST MAT

Be the Light You Want to See in the World

I am the Light,

The Light is Within me,

The Light Moves Throughout me,

The Light Surrounds me,

The Light Protects me,


Consuela Newton copyright 1986

The above affirmation has been part of my daily practice since 2008.  Every morning I start my day with it.  I feel the power of my inner light, and I step out into the day ready to embrace the joy and challenge of living in this beautiful world.  I’ve spent the past few weeks on an expedition of sorts.  I pulled out all of my old journals, went through old blog posts, and really wanted to see who I was when I first started on this journey into spirit.

It was a beautiful thing to see the innocence of starting on a spiritual adventure, making the commitment to doing this work full-time, and how I was dealing with uncertainty in those moments.  I’ve made a lot of changes since starting this journey (physically and spiritually), but through the digging I was also able to acknowledge the sacred foundation, the unchanging, and am more able now to give those roots a bit more life.  I use to be a lot more positive about life, and my journals use to be filled with beautiful affirmations.  As of late, they’ve looked more like “whine” sessions.  Life grabs us, but light grabs us too.  I’ve gone through a lot of transition over the past few months.  Making a geographic change, relationship changes, and coming back into alignment with my family.  All this change has sent shock waves through my system.  Like a lightening bolt hitting the earth and breaking open the surface.. reveling that rich soil beneath the hardened stone.

I think too often positive affirmations and books like “The Secret” get a bad rap.  A lot of people assume that these tools are just putting masks on the negative, or that they are teaching that we must never have negative thoughts. A lot of people become bound to the negativity, we tend to sit in the struggle for longer than necessary, and we may even lose a sense of worth connected to having “good” in our lives.  Positive affirmations are invitations for the good things to come into our lives, negative affirmations are easy… positive affirmations can be more difficult if we feel bound to not being able to see the light in our dark moments.  Positive affirmations are pulling up the shades.  The affirmations are invitations for us to join life in a different way, to step into life through a different perspective.

When we begin to do the work on inviting the positive into our live and work through gratitude, we are doing the deeper work of the soul.  We are making claim to our birthright.  Engaging positivity also allows us to be less reactive to negative situations.  Affirmations, like mantras, help us to train the emotional body, to come back to center, and to see this “negative” situation through a different lens.. thus allows us to work through it, rather than be bound by it.

Over the past few days I’ve gone into deep reflection about what I want to do with my life.  How do I want to do the work of the soul?  How can I be of service to those in my life, and to humanity as a whole?  Going through my journals also allowed me to see what my original intentions were for taking the leap into the sacred as a profession.  I’ve been truly blessed along the way, and to go back to those moments in my past where things seemed “impossible”, yet there was a current running through my life… one that has never let me fall, and one that stays with me as I move into the next experiences in my life.

I say this often, but if you are not journaling, you really need to start.  I’m so thankful for all those little reminders, those messages from my past to my future self, that I am not able to read, and to take to a deeper place of understanding.

Be the light you want to see in the world.  Let you light shine, and set this world on fire with your glory.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell

The Cleanse: Hitting the Spiritual Reset Button

istock_000013005656xsmallI want to start off this post by saying that the cleanse I am posting here is my journey.  Some of you may like it, others may not.  I only share it because we can all learn from each others trip along the soul highway.   I often find myself called to do a cleanse when I feel it is time to do a reset.  My spirituality is my life, my profession, and my passion.  Having come through a big transition, I feel that I am still carrying some old resistance, habits, and patterns.  Doing deep, and honest self inquiry allows us to go into a cleanse with clear intention.  I am also feeling that things are shifting for me spiritually.  I am starting to work deeper in the intuitive space, communing with my guides, my angels, and higher vibration beings.  When engaging these higher energies, I find it of value to detox and purify the body as much as possible.  It is also important to have a plan of action in place for going into your cleanse.  This helps keep you focused and aligned with your intention.  I am hoping to do a daily video post for this as well, and you can check out my YouTube page here.  If I do the videos I’ll also try to post them here as well.

So, for this cleanse and detox I am starting with 10 days.  I am starting with a 3 day master cleanse and then going into 7 days of water only.  Each water day is going to be dedicated to a particular chakra.  I bought 7 jugs of distilled water.  On each of the jugs I am going to draw the sacred symbols associated with each chakra, and will charge the water by chanting/toning the chakra sounds into the water.  I also have some wonderful chakra incense that I’ll be using for my morning meditations.  This cleanse is a bit more intensive than other things I have done in theChakras-in-Lotus past, but I feel that this is what I need to do right now to clear out some stagnation.  I am also structuring my reading time, online time, and yoga practice to support this adventure.  I’ll end the 10 days by doing 3 days of green/raw protein shakes, and I’ll allow my intuition to tell me what comes after that.  I am cutting gluten, sugar, soy, and processed foods out of my diet moving forward.  I have been receiving a lot of clear messages from my guides to start doing this, so I am.

When stepping off the ledge and into something like a cleanse, or detox be sure that you allow yourself time to prepare to go into it, but also be kind and gentle with yourself as you exit the cycle.  The most important part of a cleanse is your journal.  What emotions are coming up?  What body reactions are you having to the cleanse?  Write down your weight at the start, and track it throughout to be sure you are not losing too quickly.  What are your dreams telling you during this time?  I find that a cleanse usually brings up much more than our dependence on certain foods and additives.  Remember also, that cleanses and detoxes do not need to be food centered.  Taking a break from the computer, TV, the bar scene, clubs, or even pulling away from certain people might be a good thing.

For me, this is also a chance to reset parts of my life.  To come back to center, to bring my power home.  I do lots of energy work, self-healing, self-reflection, readings on myself, and this allows me to also be of service to my clients, friends, and soul family.  It also allows me to work more closely with this new and wonderful energy that is coming in.  I’ve had a lot of resistance stepping more deeply onto my path, and this process helps to clear away some of that muck.  I am also going to be working on cleansing and balancing the energies in my physical space.  Lots of work ahead, and lots of great things that I’ll be sharing here in the next few days.

What in you is calling you forward?  What in you needs to be cleansed right now?  Are you able to pause now for a moment, and bring awareness to that area of your being?

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Mike Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT


Beautiful Disasters and Learning to Trust

Woke up with some thought this morning, reflections from some dreams that I’ve been having… so, this may come off a bit tangential, but that’s just me.  When I write here, I often just let my fingers walk the keyboard, take what feels good… let every thing else rest on the shelf:

Sometimes life is a series of beautiful disasters.  It changes quickly, and in the process it changes us.  We adapt, or we try to.  We get to put our spiritual tools to the test, and we question the fabric of our reality.  We often start asking the “why” questions.  Why me?  Why now?  etc..  Sometimes the answers are not as simple as we’d like them to be, and sometimes they are so simple, that we miss the subtle nudges.  Trust is not an easy thing to engage.  It requires a level of surrender that many of us fear.  A letting go, a deep release from the inside out.  God FNNGWIIGYTY1GRZ.MEDIUMsometimes has a way of stepping in and challenging our reality.  Illness, upheaval, poverty, loss, are some of what I call “the sandpaper experiences”.  I often see us as a piece of word in the hand of God, slowing being sanded and shaped into something beautiful, but often we don’t see what is coming, or perhaps we aren’t allowed to see.  I tell my clients that if I was told by my intuition that I’d be sitting here, face covered in tattoos, teaching spirituality for a living, that I’d tell it NO WAY… but, here I am.

The past few months for me have been sandpaper moments.  When I was in DC I had the deep challenge of trust.  People, places and things no longer held the stability that they once had.  The “safety” in my current reality was challenged, and I had to start letting it all go.  In the fall, we still try to cling to the old masks, the old people, and places even if they are no longer serving our highest intent and good.  We try to fit the square pegs into the triangle holes.  I am seeing a lot of us go through these moments.  The beautiful shattering of these experiences.  We get to see how much power we are holding in these moments, and how much we have given away.  We have to take responsibility for that power, and start to bring it back to us.  As time moves forward, I’ll discuss dealing with specific challenges many of us face when dealing with trust: relationships, work, family, life itself, and spirituality.

explosionWhen I was preparing to leave DC, there were moments when I felt angry.  Anger is an emotion that is like fire, it can burn through things quickly.  I was angry at everything, but did not have a place to direct my anger.  It was just an emotion that needed to be acknowledged.  We often try to suppress these emotions, but they are a natural part of the grieving process (if you are going through heavy change, I recommend looking up the stages of grief, it will help you identify and accept where you are as you go through the stages).  As the fire of anger started burning in my heart center, I felt a peace wash over me.  My intuition activated and asked,” Beloved, what are you angry at?”… I don’t know… “Beloved, there is not place to put this emotions.  The people and events that are falling away are to be held in compassion, if you must place this anger somewhere, place in on me.”  The peace that had begun to wash through me started to flood into the deepest parts of that moment.  I view intuition as the voice of God speaking through my soul.  In essence God was telling me, that if you must be angry, be angry at me… it’s okay, I can take it… but please hold compassion for those that you feel deserve your anger, because they don’t… the situation is what it is, just love it… and trust me.

In that moment peace was followed by a deep trust.  It did not mean that I was not going to feel the emotions, the pain, the tearing… but now it also made a little room for the joy, the peace, and the compassion I needed to move forward.  For an instant, I released control and let the divine drive the car, and things began to move quickly.  When the world around us shifts at a rate of speed that does not allow us to “cling”, it challenges trust on multiple levels, we have to be kind to ourselves in this process.  Journaling and yoga have been lifesavers.  They allow me the space to dialog not only what was happening in my mental space, but yoga also allowed me to move the physical energy that had stagnated i my body.  The pain is all part of the greater process of becoming who we truly are.  Sometimes these moments come in slowly, sometimes they are larger explosions, but through all of it I find there is a deep thread of connection to something beyond us.  Something that is guiding us gently through the many beautiful disasters we might face.

What is trust to you?  What do you do when you feel trust being challenged?  Do you find solace in your spirituality?   What happens when your spiritual process are also challenged?

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT

Finding inspiration, moving deeper into practice

There has been a LOT going on over the past few months.  It seems that life is shifting us in a multitude of directions.  We are learning to swim the hard way.  When we go through the struggles, we get a chance to see where we need to place extra plaster, we get to test the seams of our experience.

I’m personally feeling the call to dive deeper into my own spirituality.  Recently a good friend of mine Pheonyx Roldan Smith passed away.  I believe when a soul like his leaves the body a sonic boom of energy occurs.  He lived his life in the deep spiritual planes, but also reached out to many of us to dive deeper into our own experience.  I have found myself sifting through things on his blog  I felt inspired by what I was reading, his journey, the trusting, and the opening of experience, and moving through the fear.  I see a lot of my own path in his work.  I am also aware of where I am holding back, where I need to trust more, and there is a lot of new energy that I will be bringing through in the next couple of weeks.

“If not now, when?”

That becomes the mantra that plays in the back of our minds when we place that “thing” spirit is giving us, that “thing” that is begging to come in and shift the world.  We have to start trusting our intuition.  We have to start asking the deeper questions.  We have to start honoring our bodies by giving them proper nutrition and exercise.  We have to get away from our technology and BE part of the world around us.

I am starting a fast.  When I start I tend to go deep into the experience of fasting.  I go for an all water fast for a few days as a reset.  Starting next week, I am going to do a chakra specific cleanse.  Engaging and dedicating a charka per day.  This will be a week-long ritual of clearing the energy so that soul conversation and guidance can be more clear.  Journaling is becoming more direct.  I usually keep two journals.  One that I capture my personal moments throughout the day, my personal insights, growth points, moments of reflection/contemplation and planning.  In the second journal I focus my intuition into the space around me.  I am making it a point to pay closer attention to the news (alternative and mainstream), predictions that intuition is giving me/ and those I am seeing others present, engaging discernment and tuning into the TRUE narrative.

I am also going to be doing a better job of capturing and dialogue my experience here.  Videos are coming (yoga, QiGong, meditations and teaching).  I need to do deeper, more specific meditations as well.  I’m feeling the call to connect to others doing this work.  I am also going to be doing a few community projects as well.

The journey is more than just what we as individuals are going through.  When we as individuals show up to the work, dig deep, work through the process of ascension we elevate all those around us.  We elevate humanity.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Channeled Transmission: Stuck in Darkness, Stuck in Light

Dark-and-LightMy guides have been pinging me a lot lately.  I feel that we are on the verge of big change.  They are bringing me new awareness, and my intuition is increasing.  Moving into greater states of trust is where the challenge lies for most of us.  Moving into trusting the deeper calling of the soul can often bring up resistance.  Life is full of challenge, but life is also full of joy and love.  As I watch information come in from a variety of fronts, I am noticing a lot of polarization.  One thing we have to be careful not to get caught in things being too filled with darkness, nor too filled with light.

So, what does that mean exactly.  We can’t be all “doom and gloom”, but we also can’t be completely “love and light”.  The world is a beautiful mixture of each of these principles.  We do not want to get so stuck in positive thinking that we deny the experiences that are unfolding.  We also do not want to get so trapped in impossibility and darkness that we do not enjoy this life experience.

In the coming weeks I will be posting regarding specific events that are taking place, and will take place in the months/years to come.

We are currently being bombarded by  massive amounts of energy.  The solar flares over the year have increased in intensity, and we have faced a lot of difficult astrological alignments.  Imagine for a moment that we as humans are operating at 100 watts of energy.  The new bombardment of energy is causing us to elevate, awaken, and open up.  We are seeing this in the new awareness being actualized in our response to many of the global changes.  People are also becoming more self-aware of their purpose, their path, and who they truly are.  For others, they are not sure how to respond to the changes.  They are becoming confused, feeling disoriented, and anxious.

Overculture is bombarding humanity with much more distraction than ever.  Technology is becoming much more fantastic and in many ways is taking away even the most simple of actions  from everyone.  When distraction reigns overtakes awakening, or replaces it with a false sense of “true” connection movement halts.  True connection is found in simplicity.  True connection is found in the joy shared by human engagement, true connection is found when pen touches page, true connection is found in conversing not texting/emailing, true connection is found when life is shared through interaction with one another.

Technology can serve a purpose, but do not let the built-in distractions keep you away from true connection and purpose.  Wake up to your life fully.  Give attention to those things that are serving your highest good, recognize joy, find gratitude in the small things.

Do not shy away from the struggle, it serves a purpose.  The closer the sandpaper shaves the wood, the more refined the outcome of creation.  What is shaping you in this moment?  Where are you giving your attention?

This is a beautiful time of challenge and change.  The dark comes with the light, find personal balance in each.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell, CFT CSN MAT PAT

The world has not ended…but everything is changing

imagesWhat a beautifully chaotic time we are living in.  I know that many are struggling at this time.  Struggle is part of the process.  We are entering into a global and personal cleansing.  Life is not meant to be “easy”, but it is meant to be lived… All of it.  The perceived good, the perceived bad.  Everything we move through happens so that we can engage this life experience fully.  We are all experiential beings.  We live in this wonderful 5 sense reality and we are being stimulated with greater frequency.

Right now our stability is being tested.  The ground is not as firm as it use to be, and that is okay.  When we have things taken away from us (jobs, health, money) we are given a chance to move into gratitude.  The same people who use to complain about their jobs prior to the government ‘shutdown’ are now in a different relationship to those jobs.    Another thing that is being offered is the chance to rise above the moment, to tune into your other gifts, and to create a new experience.  Nothing is really as stable as it seems.  As a yoga instructor I know that I am just an injury away from not being able to teach a hardcore yoga class.  I’ve had that tested, and learned to adapt.   We can look at these challenges as opportunities or we can look at them as life pooping on us and sulk away.  I am not saying you shouldn’t feel the emotions that are coming up, just don’t get trapped into the limitation spirals.   Sit with the entirety of the experience.  What is coming up for you emotionally, spiritually, mentally?  What are you resisting?   What needs to be loved in this moment?  What needs to be put on a shelf?

I think too often we as a society get too busy to say a simply thank you to the wonder and mystery of our experience.  We’ve learned to take things for granted, and too often do.  Now is the time to find gratitude for all things big and small.  Find gratitude in your struggle.  It is the sandpaper that is shaping you into something wonderful.

Just remember…..


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell


Show Up, Breathe, and Reflect

This has been the mantra that has permeated many parts of my life over the past few weeks.  There have been a lot of changes, and more changes are on the way.  I often say that showing up is the hardest part of the spiritual path.  Breathing is the second toughest thing at times.  Life is not getting easier for many, and that is the reality, but how we relate to the transition energy is our responsibility.  The divine is also pinging many of us to do the deeper work, to go beyond our safety zone, and to let go of what is no longer serving us.

Reflecting and contemplation are important parts of the spiritual process.  Deep listening allows us to go into the soul space.  We get to sit with and reflect on our personal truths.  Tuning into our intuition is not about tuning out the drama of life, its learning how to step into it fully…with compassion for all our parts.

I am breathing life into this blog again.  New things are on the horizon, and I hope to bring you along with me on this journey.

I’ll be posting new channeled information, as I am getting a lot of downloads recently.  I am working on some pretty big projects that I’ll also be announcing over the next few weeks.   Travel is picking up, and next year is going to be a year of deeper exploration through travel as well.

When we show up and breathe, we take in the entirety of our life.  The breathe is God, and we are an extension of that divine power.  How beautiful this dance is.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT