Tabula Rasa: cleansing, centering and integrating

ta·bu·la ra·sa
ˈtäbyo͝olə ˈräsə,ˈräzə/
  1. an absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals; a clean slate.
    “the team did not have complete freedom and a tabula rasa from which to work”
    • the human mind, especially at birth, viewed as having no innate ideas.


Sometimes, in order to stand in our power, we have to wipe the slate clean. We have to start over, and have the courage to let go of what needs releasing.

There is a beautiful dual current that shows up during this time of year. One one side we have the celebration, the joy, the giving and receiving. On the other we have the dying, the darkness, and the emotional struggle that often also arises. This beautiful duality is a powerful teacher. It gives us contrast that creates growth, and it offers us possibility.

Wiping the slate clean takes work. It’s a process. Not everything gets wiped away with ease. The hardest part is starting, making the commitment to show up to whatever process of cleansing works best for you. This is a great time of the year to open, to engage, to begin. What’s holding you back from stepping into your power? What’s creating stagnation in your current experience? What do you need to do in this moment to begin healing?

Cleansing can take many forms. Sometimes we have to start with our physical spaces. De-cluttering our lives of unnecessary “things”, donating them to those in need, examining our attachments are all important. Sometimes it means taking the broom the the floors, putting hands in dishwater, organizing a workspace.

We may feel the call to cleanse the body. Taking a warm bath. Moving the body through dance, yoga, going for a walk–building body heat and sweat. It may mean changing out diets to be more nutritious.

We may feel the need to cleanse the inner temple. Meditating, engaging in energy healing, breathing deeply, and journaling are ways to bring balance and awareness to the inner space.

The missing piece of the puzzle is integration. Once we begin the process of cleansing mind, body, and spirit energy begins to move. How you integrate into life after the cleansing phase is just as important as the process of cleansing. Being at center, is being fully integrated.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into cleansing processes. We’ll also discuss how to integrate after the changes. The path of full integration is not an easy one, but it is necessary.

Take time to feel where you are in your body. Take a moment to bring awareness to your inner and outer spaces. Breathe deeply. Know that you are loved.

Blog Series: Power Cleansing

Spiritual-CleansingAs I was cleaning out some of my old online folders I came across an old outline for a book I was working on regarding personal and spacial spiritual cleansing. I thought it would be great to turn this outline into a blog series. Spiritual cleansing is an important part of spiritual work, but one that can be a bit confusing for the beginner and advanced practitioner alike.

Through this blog series we’ll explore:

  • What is spiritual cleansing and why is it important?
  • Spiritual cleansing from various mystical traditions
  • Tools for the cleansing arsenal
  • Cleansing the body and empowering the soul
  • Space clearing and cleansing
  • Working with entities: The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Diet and nutrition as tools for spiritual cleansing
  • Working with karma
  • Psychic protection and defending against psychic vampires, hexes and curses
  • Exorcism fundamentals
  • and much more

It is my hope that you’ll be able to use some of what I’ll be offering in this series to move you into a deeper relationship with your spiritual journey. Along the way I’ll be offering exercises to help you begin or evolve your work with cleansing and clearing.

I also want to hear from you. What are your questions and experiences with spiritual cleansing? Have you ever witnessed or participated in an exorcism? What tools have you placed in your personal arsenal for cleaning out spaces both internally and externally?

Remember, if you need help along the way you can always reach out by contacting me via my website:

Advanced Reiki: Energetic Space Clearing

reiki51Reiki is one of my passions. I love how beautifully subtle can be, but also the amount of power that it brings to any given number of situations. Reiki is easy to learn and easy to do for yourself and for others. I thought it’d be great to start a series of posts to look at ways we can take our Reiki practice to a deeper level. Reiki is more than just a healing technique. I’ll be referring to Reiki specifically in these posts, but much of what I’ll be sharing may apply to other energy healing modalities and forms. Use your discernment to decide if this is something that resonates with you, and feel free to apply the information in the best way that works for your style of healing. There really are no right or wrong ways to go about doing this. What I am going to give you here are a couple of methods that I have used personally and have found them effective for my personal use, and I’ve also had positive feedback from clients that have also used these techniques. Use what feels right, leave the rest, and use this to formulate your own methodology.
There are many reasons why you might feel drawn to energetically cleansing your physical space. It might be a new home, or you may have had arguments in the space, you might feel an uneasy unseen presence, or it might just be a part of a routine that you follow based on your spiritual tradition. Many use sage or incense at their primary method of cleansing a space, this act is called smudging. Adding Reiki into this process is fairly easy and will bump up the effectiveness of the technique that you are us using. Smudging is powerful in that it allows us to engage all of the senses in the act of cleansing the space: our eyes see the smoke, we can smell it, we can feel the heat off the tip of the sage or incense stick, we move around the space with it, etc. To move Reiki into the equation you only need to add the intention that Reiki is also moving, and since Reiki moves primarily through touch, whatever you are holding as your instrument of cleansing will become the conduit through which Reiki will enter the space. The Reiki energy becomes infused in the smoke, the scent and the actions you are taking to cleanse the space.

If you do not use sage or incense you can still easily use Reiki to effectively energetically cleanse a physical space. There are a couple of ways that I feel work best. First you can find the center point of the space you are cleansing. Use your intuition, walk around the space, stop where it feels you are at the energetic center of the space. This might not be the physical center of the space. In a home for instance, family gatherings may happen in the kitchen, an in that home love is centered on the kitchen, so it might present as the energetic center of the some. Don’t over think it, or over analyze it. Go with what feels right, trust your healing ability and trust your intuition. Stand in the energetic center, and begin by stating your intention for wanting to do the cleansing (to bring more peace, to bring balance, to fill with love and light, etc). After you set your intention, being to radiate Reiki to the space. You can touch the floor in that spot of the home, touch a wall, or touch your heart center. Since you are standing or sitting at the center of the home, the Reiki will move through you and into the floor, thus filling the space with this beautiful healing energy. There is no right or wrong amount of time, trust your intuition… you start, and stop when it feels right.

Another method is to walk around the space, touch the walls, windows, floors, and give the space an actual Reiki treatment. You can touch the walls in a room, you can touch the perimeter of the property, furniture etc. Wherever you feel called to give energy you give in. In essence you become a walking pendulum, and you are using your body to locate where there might be a need to offer Reiki to the space.

These are just a few methods that you can use to clear a space with Reiki. In later posts I’ll go into more detail about using it to clear entities, ghosts, and negative energy. Just remember to trust your intuition in any given situation. Do what feels right, and you will keep to the highest intent and good for all involved.

Have you ever used Reiki to clear a space? What methods worked for you?

Do you have questions about space clearing, or about using Reiki to clear a space? Post them below.

You are loved. You are Beautiful. You are Divine.

Mike Brazell