10 Ways to open to the current of your soul


The soul is a powerful part of who we are.  It is the breath of God that breathes through us.  It is the voice that we hear in times of need.  It is the love that radiates from the limitless, into this sometimes limited space of existence.  Opening up to the current of your soul is a powerful way to help radiate light into all creation.  The more open we are to our soul, its guidance, and it’s presence the more able we will be to stay aligned with our life purpose.

There are many ways to connect to the Soul Current, so this list is by no means the end all be all, but having a place to jump-start the connection is always helpful.  The soul is always and in all ways with you.  It just takes a moment to connect.  Connecting to your soul allows you to engage your life, your health, your work situations, and life with greater clarity.  Take a few moments each day to consciously connect to your soul.  What messages does it have for you?

Here are a few of the ways to connect to your Soul Current:

  1. Slow down.  We are all moving so quickly these days.  We run through the day with barely any recollection of the important moments.  We extend ourselves so far out into the future, that we lose sight of what is right in front of us.  Take a moment to slow down, breathe, sit, and disconnect from the busy energy in your life for 15 min.
  2. Breathe.  The breath is our connection to the divine.  When we breath we are accepting an invitation to join the present.  To be present in our presence allows us to connect to the soul.  Conscious breathing nourishes us.  When we are present with the breath, we are present with the soul.
  3. Be kind.  Extend kindness in all directions.  When you are at the grocery store, say thank you to the person ringing up your groceries–use their names (they are wearing name tags for a reason).  Call a friend and tell them how much they mean to you.  Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.  We beat ourselves up all the time for silly things.  Take a breath, place your hand on your heart, and say “I Love You” to the beating heart.
  4. Journal.  The journal is the most powerful spiritual tool that we have.  It is a sacred space for us to have dialogue with our soul.  Making time each day to reflect on the various aspects of our life allow us to gain clarity.  In your journal you can write questions that you want to ask your soul.  You can write letters to God.  You can explore emotions and experiences that may be troubling you.  The journal is a great place for contemplation.
  5. Meditate. Meditation allows us to come into presence.  It allows for mindfulness and stillness, and in the stillness we can find our soul waiting for us.  There are many different ways to meditate, so I encourage you to explore and find what works best for you.  Inviting stillness into our mind, body and spirit allows us to slow down and rest in our presence.  An easy way to connect to your soul in meditation is to: sit, bring attention to the breath, and listen.
  6. Trust.  Learning to trust can be difficult. Many of us have been hurt at some point in our lives.  This causes us to lock down.  The pain is often a doorway that allows us to be softer, it allows us to learn more about who we are at the core of our being.  We often blame God or our intuition for taking us into the storm, but often we had the guidance to avoid the storm before we made the journey–hindsight is always 20/20.  Journaling and writing down the words of our soul help us to see the words, which in some cases helps us to trust it.  The more we engage our soul, the more we step into the current of our being.
  7. Move your body.  The body is the temple of the soul.  Moving the body allows us to bring all parts of self into communion with the soul.  We often store emotions in our body.  This can result in muscle pain and tightness.  Treat the body to exercise, massage, yoga or some other form of physical activity.  When we honor the temple, the soul is able to be more present.  Eating foods that nourish you is another way to keep the body’s energy clear and receptive.
  8. Read uplifting books. Read books that take you to a new level of consciousness. Take the information from what you read and apply it to your life.  I often see people get these really great spiritual books, but no one does any of the exercises.  Taking time to apply what you are learning to your life will help you become part of your evolution.  Reading about masters can offer insight into your own journey.
  9. Connect to community. You are not alone on the journey. Connect with like-minded individuals, join meetup groups, and if there isn’t anything in your area start something!  Connecting to community allows our soul to flower.  By opening up to the light of others, and by sharing our light, we raise the vibration of humanity.
  10. Love yourself unconditionally.  Learning to love yourself, without conditions, is the fullest expression of your soul’s light.  This is a hard step for many of us, but an important part of the journey.  Opening to a deeper sense of love, allows you to also become more receptive to a greater love from those around you.  Too often we shut ourselves down through judgement, through fear, or unresolved grief.  By doing many of the actions in this list, you are telling the soul that you are ready for a deeper connection to love.  Our soul is an expression of God’s love for us.  Place on hand on your heart, and the other on your solar plexus.  See the word LOVE in your mind’s eye. Inhale and align with LOVE. Exhale and expand LOVE.  Continue this cycle of intentional breath until you feel love moving through your being.


These are just a few ways that you can connect to your soul.  Opening up a little each day, and setting aside time to begin the process is all it takes.  The hardest part about spirituality and life is showing up.  Are you ready to show up to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael Brazell




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