Radio Show, Leaning Into Joy, and Loving the Flow

Tonight at 9pm, we’ll be re-launching our online BlogTalk Radio show, “Soul Empowerment Radio”!  We took a bit of a hiatus for travel, getting out into the world, and diving a bit into the soul journey. I’m excited to be on air again. Technology often gets a pretty bad rap, but if we can use this platform to connect, to deepen our connection to the journey, and to offer healing to the world then it’s a good thing!  My hope is to go LIVE Monday – Friday at 9pm EST. Each episode will start with a discussion and soul centered dialog followed by a guided meditation. I’ll also be opening up the lines for FREE on air mini-readings and healing sessions.  We are also working on inviting on guests, doing book reviews, and opening to community in whatever way we can!

Here is a link to join in tonight! Soul Empowerment Radio

Leaning Into Joy

joyIt’s been an incredible few months. Weather changes have bombarded our coasts, upheaval seems to be a constant trend in our media, and life for many has become heavy. It’s okay to feel whatever it is that you are feeling. You are human. It’s okay to feel the pain and the weight of the world. Taking steps toward joy can be difficult in times of global or personal upheaval. Joy is often elusive when we feel the weight of life on our shoulders, but we have to remember that taking steps toward joy gives us a chance to feel freedom, even in our chaos.

Joy isn’t meant to be used as an escape from what we are experiencing. We don’t want to use joy as a mechanism of suppression. Joy gives us access to perspective, balance, and understanding. When we over identify with our suffering, we do so at the risk of excluding other areas of life. Sometimes we have to make leaning into joy a conscious act. Here are a few steps to lean into joy when you might be experiencing upheaval:

  1. Find time to laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine.
  2. Take time to express gratitude. Now, this is different from just writing down the things you’re grateful for (which is also a powerful practice). Expressing gratitude through action allows us to participate in sharing joy. A few ways to express gratitude are: saying thank you to those that serve you in a restaurant, offering to do the daily chores, helping others in need, being in service to those around you in whatever ways feels best.
  3. Journaling. Journaling allows us to detox the mind. Creating a pressure valve for our minds allows us to have a bit more space in our life for joy.
  4. Do something silly. Color in a coloring book, play with play dough, paint, run through the sprinklers, have fun!
  5. Eat delicious food.
  6. Listen to poetry
  7. Talk a walk outside and experience nature (not just on your screen saver).

Loving the Flow

Finding balance in life allows us to move a bit deeper into the flow. It helps us to be in the experience of life, it allows us to feel this moment a bit more deeply. Life is going to come with its up and downs, it may even take you sideways, and that’s okay. It’s part of the flow. Joy is part of the flow. Love is part of the flow. Even if things feel heavy right now, know that you are moving, just as the breath is moving through your lungs. Live deeply, love deeply, be present.

Life Update: Feri, Yoga, and Writing

Life is an interesting journey. I love the way it ebbs and flows, and thought I’d toss out a few updates:

-I started Feri training again. I did the training a while back, but came to a point in my life where I needed to step away, and it happened that at that time, I was marching towards some pretty massive life changes (move from DC to SC, break up, etc)… but, I never stopped the core practices that were given to me by my teacher at the time. What I’m learning as I move forward in my spiritual journey is that everything we move into, informs the journey. Feri training helped to create balance to the other areas of my life. Often when we are working in the world of spirit and dealing heavily with the intuition, we forget that the body is also a part of our spiritual path/practice. I’ll be doing some blog posts soon on my experiences with this tradition, and more importantly how I am integrating this work into the other areas of my life.

-Yoga, yoga, yoga!  I’m going to be teaching classes here in the DC area, and I am also talking to a new studio here in the Columbia, SC area. I’m breathing life into the LGBT Bears do Yoga program in DC, and I am also hoping to get this started here in the Columbia area as well. I’m also working to get some videos on youtube, so be sure to subscribe to my channel! I’m planning online satsangs, small group Skype sessions, and google hangouts. If you like information on the upcoming classes, feel free to email me at:

-I’m finally working on my book, and you can expect to see a lot more activity on this blog. I’ve been dividing myself a bit too far, and one message my soul has been offering is to streamline and focus. Poetry is also calling my soul. Poetry is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. There are a lot of things in my heart that are asking to have their voice echoed out onto paper. I am also planning some trips to open mics.. I miss the poetry slam scene.

-Lots of travel coming up. I’ll be in DC from the 15th of August through the 15th of September, and then again in October.

Just a quick life update. Hope you all are riding the energy shifts with balance and grace. Be kind to yourself,and love fiercely.

Giving Yourself a Reading

One way to connect to your intuition and to develop trust in the information that it is giving you, is to get in the daily habit of giving yourself readings.  There are a wide variety of techniques and processes out there, but the idea is to keep it simple.  I’m going to give you a simple process that I have shared with students and clients of mine over the years.

  1. Write down your questions. I harp on journaling A LOT because it is one of the most powerful spiritual tools in our arsenal of self discovery. One of the reasons so many people have difficulty in doing readings for themselves is that they either aren’t sure of the questions they want to ask, or they aren’t sure they are ready to hear the answers to those questions. Carrying our journals with us gives us a place to write down the questions we may have for our soul.
  2. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with yourself. Being open to our questions is as important as being open to the answers, and both require us to be vulnerable enough to show up to our process of self inquiry.
  3. Open to your heart. One simple method of tuning in is to bring your awareness to your heart center. You can do this by simply bringing your hands to the heart. Allow yourself to connect to the simple rise and fall of the chest. Feel the beating heart beneath your hand. Let this act of body awareness be a doorway to deeper listening.
  4. Listen for the answers to your question with your entire body. We often get stuck in our head, and we often feel as if answers to our questions will come with some deep flash of insight, or thundering God force words through our ears. Sometimes the answer comes as a subtle fluttering in our bellies, a breath that goes a bit deeper than all the others, or you may see something in your external space that triggers deeper exploration (a photo, a color, a bird, a tree, etc).
  5. Write down anything you are feeling, seeing, sensing, or hearing (internally or externally). All of it is used in determining the answer to the questions you are asking. Don’t over think things, if something is standing out, write it down.
  6. Take a step back from the session. Let the answers and questions gestate a bit. You might come back with more questions based on the answers you receive – GREAT!  This means you are now moving into a soul dialog rather than just a question and answer session.
  7. Sometimes the answer isn’t what you want to hear, but it is always what you need to hear. Be receptive to whatever comes through. One of the most dangerous things we can do it is toss aside an answer just because we don’t like it. I see this often in cases of relationship questions. It’s hard to hear the truth. Sometimes the answer is that it is time to move on, but tossing aside that truth filled answer because it’s not what we want to hear only leads us to more suffering. If we are having trouble with a particular response we have received from our intuition, we can always ask our soul to amply the answer we have received, be open to digging deeper if you feel called to do so:
    1. What do I need to know about my relationship at this time?
      1. Beloved, it is time to move forward into your own light as this relationship has come to the end of its course.
      2. What can I do to make the transition one filled with grace?
      3. What areas of this relationship have caused us to arrive at this point of finality?
      4. What is my true teaching from this relationship with (xyz)?
  8. Have fun with giving yourself a reading. Too often we only use this beautiful connection we have to the soul our soul (the intuition) to ask about the stuff that requires heavy lifting. Ask simple things, ask about manifesting, ask about creating abundance, ask about winning the lottery, ask about expanding your connection to your spiritual path, ask for affirmations of love, ask for any number of things you might desire insight on, but ask!
  9. Take action on what your soul is giving you in the reading. If we are asking to improve our lives, and then we don’t follow through, it is only going to prolong the suffering and delay arriving at that place of liberation.

This is just a quick primer, something to have a bit of fun with, and my soul is nudging me to do more with the blog, so here it is. I hope that you find the information useful, and if you have questions you can alway contact me at:

Blog Series: Power Cleansing

Spiritual-CleansingAs I was cleaning out some of my old online folders I came across an old outline for a book I was working on regarding personal and spacial spiritual cleansing. I thought it would be great to turn this outline into a blog series. Spiritual cleansing is an important part of spiritual work, but one that can be a bit confusing for the beginner and advanced practitioner alike.

Through this blog series we’ll explore:

  • What is spiritual cleansing and why is it important?
  • Spiritual cleansing from various mystical traditions
  • Tools for the cleansing arsenal
  • Cleansing the body and empowering the soul
  • Space clearing and cleansing
  • Working with entities: The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Diet and nutrition as tools for spiritual cleansing
  • Working with karma
  • Psychic protection and defending against psychic vampires, hexes and curses
  • Exorcism fundamentals
  • and much more

It is my hope that you’ll be able to use some of what I’ll be offering in this series to move you into a deeper relationship with your spiritual journey. Along the way I’ll be offering exercises to help you begin or evolve your work with cleansing and clearing.

I also want to hear from you. What are your questions and experiences with spiritual cleansing? Have you ever witnessed or participated in an exorcism? What tools have you placed in your personal arsenal for cleaning out spaces both internally and externally?

Remember, if you need help along the way you can always reach out by contacting me via my website:

How to Talk to Your Soul

We are more powerful than we realize and we have a limitless connection to God within us. The intuition or, the voice of the soul is a powerful way for us to get information about anything we can possibly think of. Learning to become soul conversant is an important part of the spiritual journey. Trust is the key that allows you to open the door to that deeper inner dialog. We over think the process, or feel silly doing it, so we often give up right before we are able to gain access to our deeper aspects. I know I say it a lot, but the journal really is the most powerful tool our spiritual tool box. The journal is an altar to the soul. It is a place where we can reflect, come into presence, and align with the deeper awareness within us. The journal is also a place of quite. The moment we open to a blank page, it feels as if the world begins to slow a bit. We can step into silence within those pages, and each blank page is an affirmation of possibility.

If you don’t want to commit to a journal right away, get some paper a pen, but if possible do not do this on your computer. You want to make the act of opening to your soul current as tangible as possible. Our computers are filled with distractions, and there is an electromagnetic field that in some ways inhibits the flow of information from your higher sense perception.  It is also nice to just step away from technology for a bit. The process of longhand writing allows you to be fully involved in the connection to the information that is flowing from the soul, through the hand-, and onto the paper.

Find a quite place in your home, outside, or some place that allows you a bit of peace. I love going outside to do my intuitive tune ins. Being outside allows the crown chakra to fully expand and nature really supports the process of soul connection.

Begin by writing down your questions. They can truly be any question you want.  What’s troubling your mind? What do you need guidance on? You can also just remain open and receptive to any messages your soul has for you at the time you sit to write.  Sometimes the answers will come quickly, and other times the questions might take some time to come through. Even the silence is a response from out soul. In a world where life and information are happening at break neck speed, sometimes silence is the most needed of all medicines. Write down any images you see in your mind’s eye, emotions that are felt as you ask your questions, any information that is coming through. Do your best not to filter it. Just let it flow. Once you capture the information you can always go back and take a more objective look at it.

To illustrate this process a bit. I am going to share a couple of questions I posed to my soul, and the responses I received from my intuition.

How can I best change my diet at this time to support optimum health and well-being?

Beloved. Trust that we are with you. You must at this time hold steady in your food choices. You must align your intent with the foods that you are feeding your body. When you eat out of anger or fear, that is the energy that you are putting into your body. At this time, it is necessary for you to eliminate things from your diet that do not fully nourish you. You must pay attention to labels. At this time it is advised that you eliminate sugars, processed foods, caffeine, and move towards drinking more water through the day.  We are also encouraging you to fast. Fasting is not something that just happens in the area of food, but is something that will need to extend into the other areas of your life. We will transmit appropriate guidance for you in the next couple of days. 

What can I do to deepen my connection to my spiritual path?

Beloved. You must trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time. The spiritual path begins with presence, and though presence you are able to stand in power. Take time to come into awareness of any fears that you are holding onto. What resistances are you holding in moving deeper onto the spiritual path? Once you bring your awareness to the anchors that are keeping you moored to old ideas of what the spiritual journey is, you will be able to flow with the current of your path more freely. Daily self-examination through self readings, journal reflection and body movement in the form of yoga will help keep you grounded in the discovery of who you are within the spiritual dynamics of your life.

(Here I could also ask my soul to help me identify the resistance and the source of any blockages)

Are there any messages you’d like to share with me at this time?

Beloved… trust. Know that you are loved. Know that you are not alone on the path. At times it might feel that way, but we are with you. We have never abandoned you, and we never will. Know always that you are embraced in the energy of God. 

So, this is just a mini example, and questions that i asked of my soul a bit earlier today.  There are times when the answers I get are profound and deep, and there are other times when I just may receive one word that opens me up to deeper reflection and contemplation. Remember, this is a dialog that you are having. You soul is your best friend. It has been with the body since the moment you were birthed into this reality. It wants the best for you. Take time each day to have a chat with your soul.

If you have questions on the process, or need some tips to help you take your practice a bit deeper, never hesitate to contact me at: or contact me via Facebook at:

If you would like to schedule an intuitive reading with me, you can see what services I offer and my rates at my website:

Yoga as Prayer

Today as I was taking my place on my yoga mat at the gym, I asked myself the question, “Why do you do yoga?” The question struck me, and I’ll admit at first I didn’t have an answer. I decided to take this question into my practice today. As I was moving around the mat, breathing, taking in the sounds of the gym, I had a realization was over my heart. Yoga is how I pray. For me, yoga is devotion. When I am on my mat, I am stepping onto sacred ground. I feel my soul come alive. My breath joins my body more deeply, and for a moment all that exists is the flow.

Stepping onto the mat is stepping into trust. We spend much of our day trying to get away from the body, we rush into our expectations, or are bound to the anchors of our past. We hold judgement against ourselves. We eat foods that lack nourishment. We engage in distractions (television, social media, etc). We numb ourselves. When we take a step onto the yoga mat, we are saying to the soul, to God, to the universe I am here, and I am ready. The very act of showing up sets the intention, and brings us into presence.

As I move through the asana, I pause and deepen my breath. Too often in classes we try to rush through the sequences. Each pose is a meditation, the breath the mantra, and when we move slowly we are honoring the sacredness of that union. Sequences do not need to be complex, you don’t need to be fancy with how you breath, just let the body move. Yoga is an act of surrender. I try not to plan too far ahead as to what I want to do on my mat. I ask my body what it feels like doing today. I let each asana guide me to the next. I invite in my emotions, the ambient sounds and colors of whatever space I am in. Yoga is not about escaping, its arriving into to presence.

Yoga is a prayer that is said by the body, on the altar of our soul. Each movement is an intention in action. Each breath is a sacred mantra that whispers through us, taking us deeper into each heartbeat.

Take a moment to honor your path by dropping into the breath. Hold your awareness at the rise and fall of the chest, take your hand and place it over your beating heart. Feel life moving through you. Let this be enough.


10 Ways to open to the current of your soul


The soul is a powerful part of who we are.  It is the breath of God that breathes through us.  It is the voice that we hear in times of need.  It is the love that radiates from the limitless, into this sometimes limited space of existence.  Opening up to the current of your soul is a powerful way to help radiate light into all creation.  The more open we are to our soul, its guidance, and it’s presence the more able we will be to stay aligned with our life purpose.

There are many ways to connect to the Soul Current, so this list is by no means the end all be all, but having a place to jump-start the connection is always helpful.  The soul is always and in all ways with you.  It just takes a moment to connect.  Connecting to your soul allows you to engage your life, your health, your work situations, and life with greater clarity.  Take a few moments each day to consciously connect to your soul.  What messages does it have for you?

Here are a few of the ways to connect to your Soul Current:

  1. Slow down.  We are all moving so quickly these days.  We run through the day with barely any recollection of the important moments.  We extend ourselves so far out into the future, that we lose sight of what is right in front of us.  Take a moment to slow down, breathe, sit, and disconnect from the busy energy in your life for 15 min.
  2. Breathe.  The breath is our connection to the divine.  When we breath we are accepting an invitation to join the present.  To be present in our presence allows us to connect to the soul.  Conscious breathing nourishes us.  When we are present with the breath, we are present with the soul.
  3. Be kind.  Extend kindness in all directions.  When you are at the grocery store, say thank you to the person ringing up your groceries–use their names (they are wearing name tags for a reason).  Call a friend and tell them how much they mean to you.  Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.  We beat ourselves up all the time for silly things.  Take a breath, place your hand on your heart, and say “I Love You” to the beating heart.
  4. Journal.  The journal is the most powerful spiritual tool that we have.  It is a sacred space for us to have dialogue with our soul.  Making time each day to reflect on the various aspects of our life allow us to gain clarity.  In your journal you can write questions that you want to ask your soul.  You can write letters to God.  You can explore emotions and experiences that may be troubling you.  The journal is a great place for contemplation.
  5. Meditate. Meditation allows us to come into presence.  It allows for mindfulness and stillness, and in the stillness we can find our soul waiting for us.  There are many different ways to meditate, so I encourage you to explore and find what works best for you.  Inviting stillness into our mind, body and spirit allows us to slow down and rest in our presence.  An easy way to connect to your soul in meditation is to: sit, bring attention to the breath, and listen.
  6. Trust.  Learning to trust can be difficult. Many of us have been hurt at some point in our lives.  This causes us to lock down.  The pain is often a doorway that allows us to be softer, it allows us to learn more about who we are at the core of our being.  We often blame God or our intuition for taking us into the storm, but often we had the guidance to avoid the storm before we made the journey–hindsight is always 20/20.  Journaling and writing down the words of our soul help us to see the words, which in some cases helps us to trust it.  The more we engage our soul, the more we step into the current of our being.
  7. Move your body.  The body is the temple of the soul.  Moving the body allows us to bring all parts of self into communion with the soul.  We often store emotions in our body.  This can result in muscle pain and tightness.  Treat the body to exercise, massage, yoga or some other form of physical activity.  When we honor the temple, the soul is able to be more present.  Eating foods that nourish you is another way to keep the body’s energy clear and receptive.
  8. Read uplifting books. Read books that take you to a new level of consciousness. Take the information from what you read and apply it to your life.  I often see people get these really great spiritual books, but no one does any of the exercises.  Taking time to apply what you are learning to your life will help you become part of your evolution.  Reading about masters can offer insight into your own journey.
  9. Connect to community. You are not alone on the journey. Connect with like-minded individuals, join meetup groups, and if there isn’t anything in your area start something!  Connecting to community allows our soul to flower.  By opening up to the light of others, and by sharing our light, we raise the vibration of humanity.
  10. Love yourself unconditionally.  Learning to love yourself, without conditions, is the fullest expression of your soul’s light.  This is a hard step for many of us, but an important part of the journey.  Opening to a deeper sense of love, allows you to also become more receptive to a greater love from those around you.  Too often we shut ourselves down through judgement, through fear, or unresolved grief.  By doing many of the actions in this list, you are telling the soul that you are ready for a deeper connection to love.  Our soul is an expression of God’s love for us.  Place on hand on your heart, and the other on your solar plexus.  See the word LOVE in your mind’s eye. Inhale and align with LOVE. Exhale and expand LOVE.  Continue this cycle of intentional breath until you feel love moving through your being.


These are just a few ways that you can connect to your soul.  Opening up a little each day, and setting aside time to begin the process is all it takes.  The hardest part about spirituality and life is showing up.  Are you ready to show up to your journey?


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.


Michael Brazell

The Gay Soul: Starting the Journey to Healing

gay flagOver the past few weeks, my soul has been guiding me to direct energy and time to addressing many of the wounds in our community.  After meditating on this, I thought it would be great to begin a series of blog posts to address what I feel are topics that need attention in our community.  My soul has been nudging me, and here we begin the journey.  I thought I’d take a bit of time to address what this journey is going to look like, and some of the topics that I’ll be giving attention to.


There are deep wounds in our community.  Some of them are more overt, and many of them are subtle.  I hope that these posts will create dialog, and community conversation.  I am going to be addressing this a bit differently than I’ve seen in other blogs, books, and media.  Most of what I will be addressing will be channeled directly from my higher self.  I will post questions, and allow for the transmission of that information to be captured in the responses in these posts.  That being said, if you feel there are questions you’d like me to address in this blog, feel free to email them to me directly at

As a community we are making many changes, and those changes are happening at lightening speed.  Equality is at the forefront of many of our conversations and this is a beautiful thing.  As we move forward, we need to take a moment to address the deeper healing that is needed within ourselves and in our community at large.  We cannot let our move to gain acceptance cause us to lose that beautiful thing that makes us different.  Much of what I will address in these blog posts will pertain to men who love men.  I can only speak with honesty to the issues that I face as a gay man and the way that impacts my spiritual journey and vice versa.  This is not to minimize the fact that healing is needed in the other areas of LGBTQ culture, it is my hope that this series inspires others to also begin looking at their spiritual walks, and how those walks feed their spirituality as individuals and community.

I also intend to offer resources, and practical spiritual methods to address the various issues we come face to face with as men who love men.  Too often we get caught up in talking about our traumas, vices, and wounds without action steps to generate healing.  I am also going to offer book reviews, and resource lists to help move the conversation forward.

Some of the issues that I’ll be addressing in the coming weeks in relation to men who love men and our community:

  • shame
  • vulnerability
  • sex
  • homophobia
  • masculine and feminine polarities
  • community wounds and traumas
  • individual wounds and traumas
  • leadership
  • love

These are just a few topics, and my soul has been clear on the necessity of getting this information out.  I am also going to be starting an online discussion group to facilitate community dialog regarding the topics I’ll be addressing.  If you’d like to join the group, feel free to send me a message via facebook:


You are all Loved.  You are all Beautiful. You are all Divine!


Michael A. Brazell


Technology… The Good, The Bad, and What do we do when it Disappears

So, I’ve been combing through a bunch of my old blogs…  many are no longer active, but there are still some nuggets and gems.  One of the things I’ve found myself doing is going back and looking at my spiritual foundations.  I’ll be re-posting some of the nuggets here.  🙂

Originally posted November 4th, 2009













(This is a payphone, in case you’ve forgotten what they look like)

We live in a time where at the blink of an eye we can communicate with everyone we’ve ever met. With the click of one button, the world can know where I am, what I am doing, and what all of my likes and dislikes are. The big question is: how much of ourselves are we going to give away to the technological world. With every application in the world available at a tap, we get further away from connecting to one another. I can remember a time where people actually walked up to one another and said “Hi, my name is….”, now the first question is: “Do you have Facebookmyspace or twitter?”

We have become so reliant on these little gadgets and devices. I noticed a funny icon on my phone the other day. It asked me if it wasOK that Google collected information on my searches, location, etc so that it could provide better quality as far as searches. Google (and many cell phone providers) have been known to collect and build profiles on users–and more along the Big Brother lines than helping me find the best vegan pizza joint in town. We really have to be careful where we give away our information, we have to use our intuition to decide if it is necessary to venture down these techno highways. They are great for the service they provide… but, does anyone remember how to use a map or even know what an Atlas is? GPS has stolen away the necessity to learn how to read basic maps, we can even have our books read to us by our IPODsthere are programs that slow brainwaves down for meditation, there are neat applications that just suck us right into a world of dependence.

Last night it seems that TMOBILE also crashed. I can still remember how angry I was getting that I could not check my email, send a text, or make a call. I also then realized how attached I was to this phone. It was a wake call… pun intended.

What do we do if all this technology disappears tomorrow? Do you know the actual phone number of the 3 top people you call the most? With a click of a button, a call is made. If I had to walk up to a payphone, I am sure that my speed dial or top 5 will not be programmed in (pay phone? What in the world is that?).

Take time each day to put away the techno-toys. Detach completely. Go a day without using them, detach from email. Send a letter (pen and paper) to a friend. Go a day without texting. Write down all the important numbers in your phone. Ask yourself “If there were no way of using electronic means of communication, what would I do?” This is an extremely valid question, and its another insight that popped up during the TMOBILE outage. I’ve been fortunate to have been introduced to a telepathy technique which is very effective. We have to look outside of ourselves and the techno boxes we’ve put ourselves into.

Much love to you all,

Mike Brazell


Weekend Specials, Radio Show, and Life

rtrbuddhaI hope that everyone is doing well.  Life has been up and down for many (myself included).  Be sure that you are taking time to breath.  Take a few moments each day to be in gratitude for all that life is bringing you–yes, even the struggle.  The struggle that we go through is a teacher, it helps to bring us to our edges, and helps us to initiate change.   Take a moment and just breathe. Place your hands on your heart, and feel the drum of your life beating, moving life force through your very existence.  This is what life is really all about.  Finding a bit of stillness in the chaos.  Don’t get so hung up on the small things.  Allow yourself to have grace, peace and love.  The world will bring its challenges.  Life will be difficult.  Decisions will not be easy… and even in all of this we can find love.  The grass is already green where you are.  Stand in power, stand in love, and let your breath move you.


–I’ve just loaded up my website with the reading specials for June!  So head over and check those out.  I am also offering some really great offers for this weekend (5/30-6/1).  If you purchase a 30 or 60 min reading this weekend, you’ll get one free.  You can share the extra reading with a friend, use it for a follow-up, or just keep it for a future “soul check up”.  The sessions are good for 6 months, so you don’t have to book them right away.  This is a great deal since they are combined with the already reduced rates!  Click here to go to my site, or fill out the form below.  If you are currently going through a financial hardship and still want to get a reading, do not hesitate to contact me.  We can always work out an exchange, a payment plan, etc.

–I am also offering $6 email readings.  These are great if you want a bit of a soul nudge, or just have a few questions.  These usually take me about 24 hours to respond to, and you can ask up to 3 questions you’d like guidance on. For more information or to schedule a session just click here. You can also fill out the form below.

Soul Interaction Radio is up and running!  Be sure to check it out.  I am going all out with it, and really hope that we can keep the momentum going.  We are currently airing 5 days a week, and I have some AMAZING guests lined up for the show.  Here is the current schedule.

Monday- 7pm EST Soul Meditations (meditation talk and guided meditation)

Tuesdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Wednesdays- 9pm Applied Spirit.  Learn how to apply your spiritual life to your everyday life

Thursdays- 7pm EST Soul Interaction Radio (Topics and Free on air readings)

Fridays- Soul Satsang: This show is a divine transmission. It is about creating and solidifying our touchstones for truth.  I tune into spirit, and we flow through guided meditations, channeled messages, healing, and spiritual discussion.  I am working out the time and format, and that will be found on the BlogTalk channel.

– I am also getting more active on YouTube, so be sure to check out the Soul Interaction Channel!

****I am going to be hosting classes via Google Hangout.  These will be mini workshops on meditation, channeling, A Course in Miracles, and the Oneness Transmissions.  If  you are interesting in learning more you can email me at:  and follow my facebook page to get the updates:  SoulIntuitive


Just remember, take some time for you.  Start living your life to the fullest NOW. Stop tiptoeing around your soul journey and start living it.  Trust your intuition, and take the leap!

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.  


Michael Brazell CFT CST MAT