Nanowrimo and Commitments

So, I’m taking a break from writing.. well, to write.   I am participating in the National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo), and the idea is to finish a 50,000 word manuscript in 30 days.

The original intent was to do fiction, butt (true to my nature) I’ve decided to be a “nano-rebel” and am working on a non-fiction book that has been sitting on my mind for the past 2 years.  I am excited.  There is something powerful about having the energy of this event to show up to.  The beautiful thing about this type of daily commitment is that we can ride that energy beyond the 30 days.  When we have an engaged energy and daily practice it makes it easier to stay on the path of commitment.  Before this event, I had the desire, but not the willingness to show up.

Aside from my new daily writing practice, I am including a few other stipulations in my Nano journey.

– To stay committed to only eating a raw diet for the month

-1 hour of personal yoga practice a day

-30-45 min of cardio a day

-Focused meditation and prayer (I’m doing focused Japa in the evening and rosary in the morning)

-Writing 2000 words a day to not only meet but to exceed the Nanowrimo requirement


In the scheme of things this is not a lot extra, but in reality this is what I should have been doing all along.  This is a chance to re-commit myself to doing the work that I’ve been wanting to do all this time.  To take things to completion and to allow this new energy to flow through me.

What are you committing to as we get to the end of the year?  If not a writing project, what do you feel drawn towards, and what’s stopping you from doing it?

I’ve had the honor of seeing my partner David not only take his work to completion, but to see him achieve his dream of getting it published.  I’m constantly inspired by all the beautiful people in my life.

You are loved.  You are beautiful. You are DIVINE!

Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT