108 Day Challenge

I finally made it down to South Carolina.

New starts, new changes, and coming into new alignments can always bring struggle.  One of the things that I like to do when I get to a new area is a cleanse and detox.  Upheaval can bring a lot of stress thorough our entire system.  For me, cleansing the body, mind and spirit helps to harmonize me into my new experience.   Since this time I am also in a process of building a new life, I thought I would take this cleanse a bit deeper and also offer myself some challenges.  The challenges help to re-align my system, and well… keeps things from getting stagnant.  Getting into a new routine is always a good thing when leaving an old one.

I’ll post the details here, and will do a daily post as I move through the cleanse.   This is my personal challenge, but if you are finding yourself in a rut, why not do something to help move you deeper into your experience.  Before I start a cleanse, detox or challenge like this

My challenge:

  1. Food and nutritional detox: no sugar, gluten, processed foods
  2. Reading 1-2 books/week.
  3. Writing, writing, writing…. one blog post a day, one poem a day, and daily journaling
  4. Daily mediation and yoga practice
  5. and some other things that I am keeping personal 😉

The challenge should be something that is out of the ordinary for you, it should allow you the opportunity to step into something “new” as far as a routine, or spiritual experience.  Taking you a bit out of the norm, or bringing deeper awareness to something that is more routine.  If you meditate already, challenge yourself to shift it up a bit.  Do something a bit differently.  Breaking up stagnation helps us to keep our practice fresh, and we also get to take a deeper look at ourselves in the process.  The path is about learning to grow through engaging the process, rather than just going through the motions.

Do you have questions on setting up a cleanse, detox, or personal challenge?  Feel free to write them in the comments section below and I’ll answer them.

You are Loved.

You are Beautiful.

You are Divine.

Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Fasting and Detoxing: Day 1

Life is a fantastic journey.

The past few weeks have been interesting to say the least.  I feel more connected to my own journey and experience but feel that it is time to pull out one of my favorite techniques for going a bit deeper.   We imprint, and we are imprinted constantly by living the human condition.  What we eat, what we think, what we choose to let in, and what we let out imprints on us on many levels.  When we fast we are taking time to let go of distractions, and detoxing is polishing up the pieces that need a bit of attention.

I’ve done a few posts in the past on this topic, and this one is going to be a bit different.  I typically share the details of my fast and detoxing plan, but I am going to hold that part sacred and just for me.   Fasting on many levels is a very sacred action.  We are communing with the soul, and allowing space for growth…. as a teacher, it is also my purpose to help show others that they too have access to these tools and they are there when you need them.

When many people hear the words “fast” or “detox” they immediately jump to food.  This is one aspect of fasting, but in a time and age where distractions are a plenty you can really choose to start anywhere.  You can fast and detox from facebook, from your cell phone, from speaking, from food, from sugar, from candy, from smoking, and the list can really go on and on.

Things change when you begin the process of letting go of distractions, emotions come up, resistance starts barking at you…. have a plan.

Going into a fast or detox without a plan is a good way to set yourself up to not complete your goals.. on,  and have some goals or milestones you want to move toward.

Write your plans in a journal and keep that journal with you.  The fast should challenge you, it should not be something that is too easy, but something that is not going to harm you.  Fasting allows us to see what power we have given away to the distractions in our life… are we mindlessly eating?  are we addicted to being online?  how much power does texting have over you?  can you go without tv for a few days?

When we create space by removing distractions we often begin to see we have more time… we might have more energy… we might find we have more awareness of our surroundings, etc… awareness begins to shift a bit… and this is powerful.

What holds you, and what are you holding onto?

If you are doing a dietary cleanse/detox or fast… Do your research.  Do not jump into it without knowing what you are doing to the body, what you are feeding yourself and the effects of what you are removing can have on your body.  Ex… removing caffeine can often cause headaches, etc.  Allowing your body to detox slowing, doing 1/2 caf, reducing, shifting to teas, etc. can assist with helping you make the transition away.

When you detox you are resetting the body.  Not just the physical body, but we also notice our patterns and habits that might be bound to the food/action.  “I must have that morning cigarette/cup of coffee”…   we hold affirmations that can at times bind us to the actions, not always are those affirmations positive as you can see above…  Keeping a journal of the emotions that come up in the absence of the cup of morning java, can show you a lot about yourself and your patterns.

Fasts can be as short or as long as you want.  Some people can go up to 40 days, others do a  3-7 day experience… One thing that I always like to point out is that there is no such thing as a failed fast.  You start, then you stop.  If you stop before your goal is reached, what caused you to terminate the fast… journaling this will help you to do the internal dialogue necessary to help you the next time you decided to fast/detox.

This is a bit of a ramble post…. and in the future fasting check in, I’ll be posting more of a journal style entry to give you a bit of insight into my process (internal and external) when taking on this sacred practice.


You are Loved.

You are Beautiful.

You are Divine!

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT




It is Time to Wake Up.

The time to wake up is now.

I recently received an email from my wonderful teacher and spiritual mother Susan Zummo and this was what the text in the email said:

More changes and movement taking place.  Viewed as isolated events they have little meaning.   When you connect the dots, as look at these events as a series of symptoms, it’s easy to see that we are in the middle of a transition period.

Don’t be afraid and hide in the ignorance is bliss model.  Be prepared to help others if something happens where you live.  
It’s foolish to pretend these things could never happen near us, when we can see that they are happening every day with greater frequency.  

Preparation, faith and service to others eliminate fear and doubt.


At first I sat with this, and then decided to take this deeper into meditation.  I know that I personally have been going through this world only giving partial attention to the events moving around me.  I move through my spiritual paradigm and do the practice, do the healing, do the work, read books and do my writing.  I go to work, teach my yoga, and work with my clients.  All along there is a vast world that is moving around me.  There are forces that are at work that do not have our best interest in mind.  There are movements of love and light, but there are also those that walk in the shadows. Recently a good friend of mine turned me on to Alex Jones and a show called Infowars.  I’ve tuned into this show in the past.  I’ve also tuned into David Icke, and David Wilcock and have in the past appreciated the information they give regarding the hidden world around us.  I think too often in the New Age paradigm we get too caught up in our processes and our own illusions to want to see the world around us.  The Old Age paradigms are also not immune to this.  We get caught up in celebrating the seasons and the earth, but do not see (or care to see) what is happening in this world.  I think that often we use our spirituality to escape reality, and we need to shift that–We need to bring our spirituality into our reality.  I am not one for conspiracy theories, but there are things that are happening in this reality that we can no longer ignore.

Of course each of the people I mentioned above go deep into their own paradigms.  Everyone has an agenda, but we have to start tuning in.  Ignorance is NOT bliss.  We might not want to turn on our televisions, listen to the news, or tune into this third dimensional space, but you’re not turning on the TV does not stop the world from moving.  If you do not know about the disaster how will you activate and send your prayers and healing?   If you are not aware of the laws and governmental changes that could impact you negatively how can you effectively use your protection and grounding work?  I feel we have a duty as psychic, channels, intuitives  witches, and people living this beautiful experience to be aware of how this world is moving, and our place in it.  Politics, government, conspiracy, etc can be heavy to sift through.  Using discernment is a lost art that is becoming new again.  Are you getting caught in the illusion of the distractions around you?  How much time do we spend on Facebook?  How often to we each foods that damage us?

I know I’m ranting a bit, but I feel that it is time for us to wake up.  One of the big things I saw coming into this year was a sense of complacency.  People felt things were getting easy at the onset of the year, and in some ways this was true.  What I saw in the New Year’s eve psychic fair was that we were being given a reprieve.  2012 for many was difficult.  It was not an easy year, and for many it was filled with much upheaval.  January hit, and things seemed lighter.  I warned many of my clients, students and friends to not get caught in the trap of complacency.  Stay with your spiritual practices, reconnect and recommit to them, evolve your connection to spirit, but stay the course.  We can easily get caught in the glamour of our own experience.  As February opened, so did the chaos that was behind the curtain.  Just like ignoring the news does not make it go away, ignoring our shadows do not make them go away.

This part of Susan’s email really struck a chord:

“More changes and movement taking place.  Viewed as isolated events they have little meaning.   When you connect the dots, as look at these events as a series of symptoms, it’s easy to see that we are in the middle of a transition period.”

I’ve been contemplating where my path is moving, and what I am being called to do.  As I tune into these various news and information sources I am hearing each of them holding pieces to a bigger picture.  I am going to start bringing together, and bringing forward information.  I am going to be starting a new blog soon for this purpose.  I am going to comb through different sources, pull videos, review documentaries, and offer my own intuitive connection to the information.  One of the thing I often see is a lot of information about how the government is doing x,y,z and how we are screwed… or, this is a holographic space and xyz… The aliens are coming and xyz, Nutrition is killing us and xyz…

We get glimpses of truth, but the distractions grab us and we get lost in our own illusions.  This is how it is designed.  I cannot count how many times this year I have heard “I feel like something big is going to happen soon”… Just like the birds know before the storm, we too have an intuition that is activating and sounding the alarm.

I’ve started making personal changes to my nutrition, my spiritual practice and how I am gathering information.  I’ll be posting on this in the near future.  It is time for us to open our eyes to this reality, how else are we to create the changes we want?

I am also going to be setting up an email address for submissions, guest posts, and am going to be dedicating a night/couple nights a week to a radio show to bring the discussion to a live and archived format.  I think it is the activist in me awakening again.  It is frustrating seeing so many people not in realization of their birth right…. to be Gods, Goddesses, to stand in their power.

I’ve been contemplating this over the past few days and have been researching directions and what I want to do with this.  I’ll still be posting here and to my yogawitch.com page.

The new website/blog is going to focus on:

  • new science/consciousness
  • spiritual nutrition/engaging the physical body
  • local/national/global/cosmic news and updates on items of interest
  • local/national/global/cosmic weather events
  • research/experimentation/and integration of practical spirituality
  • conspiracy discussions
  • actions to help you open to reality and to create changes
  • bringing forward information from various websites that I feel helpful to readers and listeners.
  • local/national/global/cosmic politics
  • channeled information
  • prophetic information and predictions from different sources
  • book and documentary reviews

I am going to cover topics that will not be popular, and I am not going to be pushing a viewpoint.  I hope that by presenting information in a unified way that we can start getting a look at the big picture.  It is also my hope that we can engage in discussion that will help us to peel back the layers of this onion.  We might shed a few tears in the process, but the soup tastes better for it.

I’ve also been receiving some interesting channeled downloads and dreams that I will be offering on this new site.  I am also going to be teaching developmental on-line workshops to help connect those interested to their intuition, nutrition, and body mechanics.

I am also going to be inviting psychics, channels, mediums, witches, healers, yogis, and spiritual practitioners to offer opinions, thoughts and perspectives, debate, and to guest post.

I did not expect to write so much, but spirit compelled me to do so.  It is time to connect the dots, to live in our purpose and stand in our power.

If you want to help with this project feel free to email me:  michael@michaelbrazell.com

Thank you for taking the time to listen, to share and to be on this journey with me.


You are Loved.  You are Beautiful. You are Divine.


Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT






Working out in a Storm

Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on us, and the Metro system will be shut down tomorrow.  If we are lucky we’ll maintain power, but knowing our local power provider that is unlikely.  So, no power–no access to my gym–whats a workout-a-holic to do?

Work out at home!

Here is a quick and dirty workout routine that you can use to take you through any storm environment:

All you need is a deck of cards.

The next part is pretty easy– Until you begin that is.

There are four suites (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades).  You are going to assign an exercise to each suite.


Diamonds- Diamond pushups

Clubs- sit ups

Hearts- squats

spades- flutter kicks

Shuffle the deck.  When you pull the card off the top of the deck you do the corresponding exercise at the number given.

10 of Diamonds = 10 diamond pushups, etc.

Go through 1/2 the deck, or the entire deck.  Try and choose exercises that give you the use of multiple muscles or big muscles groups.  There are a multitude of variations on pushups, planks, sit up/abdominal exercises.

Be creative, have fun!

Michael A Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Mastering the Master Cleanse

Ahhh.. delicious… Lemons, cayenne pepper, molasses and water.


This is the basis for the Master Cleanse.  I’m not going to go into a bunch of history on why this cleanse is in existence, but I will share my own personal dealing with it so that you can have a new perspective on an old technique.

The energy this year has been heavy and in many ways chaotic.  Many of us are feeling this shifting force hitting us in magnitude.  We are experience a variety of new emotions, changes (both external and internal), and energies as we align with our higher purpose.  Taking charge of what we are putting into our bodies is vital as we come into this new alignment.

The Master Cleanse is an easy reset button.  Sometimes we come to a point where we know we are not in alignment.  We’ve reached out for the wrong foods, or we might be more aware of the foods that are limiting us.  I do not however follow the traditional mixture.  I have found a concoction that works for me, and it does the trick.

I usually get one of the large bottles (1.5L) of smart water or Whole Foods Brand H2O.  I use 3 Lemons, and I prefer agave nectar over molasses.  Molasses costs a lot more, and agave nectar has a bit few calories and sugar.  I do a couple of pinches of cayenne  pepper, and Ta-Da a delicious drink for the day.  I get up early so that I have time to make my drink, and it typically lasts me through the day.

Leading up to “Lemonade Only”
So, being the realist that I am, I know that if I jump straight into the mixture on its own right away that I’ll throw my body into “Craving every piece of cake in a 50 mile radius” mode.  I typically do not change my diet for a few days, but add the lemonade mixture.  This gives your stomach a chance to get use to the pepper and lemons, and it also provides a mild detox.  The idea is also introduced into your consciousness that a cleanse is on the way.  It’s like buying the cleaning supplies and keeping them in your messy room.  I usually do this for a couple of days, and then slowly begin cutting out different food items, until it’s just me and the lemonade. 

I typically do the cleanse for 3-7 days, and the go into a raw food eating mode for about a week (or longer).   Set a timeline that you know will work for you.

Set an intention for your cleanse.

“As I take in this cleansing liquid so does clarity flow through me”.

Personalize the cleanse and make it yours.  Allow yourself to be fluid with it.  If you feel like doing the lemonade along with raw foods– Great.  If you feel like just adding the lemonade and changing nothing–Great.  The idea here is that you are also including the intention that you are cleansing.  Cleaning happens and a multitude of levels.

Just a quick breakdown of the ingredients.  You want to use purified water if possible.  The agave nectar gives you calories to burn.  The cayenne pepper ups your metabolism and immune system, and the lemons are great cleansers.  Lemon is a natural diuretic, which will help you flush your system

I recommend light activity during the cleansing cycle.  Yoga is a perfect match for the master cleanse.  Yoga allows you to dive deep into the muscles and joints to facilitate release of toxins and limitations.

Trust yourself, and give the body what it needs.  If you need calories, eat.  If you need to modify, modify.

Have fun with the cleanse, open up to intention, and share the journey with those around you.
Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT






Creating Sacred Space

There are times when I feel that I need to escape the world around me.  The busy energy of the year, the technology that expands and binds, the hurried energy of time.  Having a place to breathe is just as important as the action of breathing.

What is sacred space?

Sacred space can be any place where you decide to meet the divine.  Sacred space can also be that place deep within your being that holds your energy and light.  Sacred space is the rest stop on our busy highways.

Sacred space can be a room, a park, a bench, etc.  I typically have a few different places that I can duck into around my work place that I can retreat to for a bit to find balance.  There is a wonderful fountain, and I sit and watch the water.  Just being present in that space makes it sacred.

If you are at home, you can make your space sacred by adding statues, incense, or whatever else connects you to your divine self.  Invite the divine into this space with you.  Allow yourself to be creative, even if you don’t have a lot of space you can still created a sacred corner.  When I first started connecting to my higher vibrations, I used an old shoe box with a bandana on it as my altar.  I had a few candles, a couple of stones, and my tarot deck.  Sacred space is uniquely yours.

Mentally you can also create sacred spaces.  Visualizing a harmonious environment, seeing temple, or entering into the void can bring peace both internally and externally.

Where do you find sacred space?  What is sacred space to you?

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Psychic Development Tip of the Day- Deck of Cards

One quick and easy tool to help you develop your psychic skills is a deck of playing cards.  They are inexpensive, easy to carry, and there are tons of things you can do with them.

1)  Using the old Zener method.  Take each card one at at time from the shuffled deck and intuit the color, number, face, suit, etc.  You can be as expansive with this as you want, but it will help pass the time and be of more use that playing angry birds.

2) Take one card at random out of the deck.  Don’t look at it, and seal it in an envelope.  Sometime during the day, intuit what card is in the envelope.  When you get home, validate and record your experience.

These are just a couple quick ideas.  You can work with a friend or group using the above method.  There are some that use playing cards to do full on spreads that are similar to the ones used by tarot readers.  As always be sure to journal your experience.  Just like anything our psychic ability is a muscle that needs to be worked from time to time.

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT



Coming into alignment: Purpose, Self, Breath

This seems to be the year of integration.  Many of us are hearing the call to come into being, to begin showing up, to be the divine light we were meant to always be.  For some the process will be an easy one, for others this means making radical shifts.  Being in the present is an action of surrender.  So many of us spend so much time in the past, even exploring past lives to find some tidbit of knowledge that can unbind us from some future karma that has not yet been actualized.


Breathing is one of the most important things we do.  It is spirituality stripped down.  It is our common bond to all things in life.  Breathing is the religion of life.  It is the divine mother birthing a new moment, it is father god bringing us connection, light.

I see too many people living on the inhale, life catching them off guard.  Then they forget to exhale.  It is in the out breath that we inspire new life, new connection, and expansion.  We have to break living in a state of waking apnea.  When we breathe we move, and this brings us into alignment.

The physical body is where we meet the breath.  We must take care of the temple.  The physical body is the temple of the soul, where we congregate with life herself.  We often speak of alignment in our spiritual practice, but how can we align with purpose if our bodies are held out of alignment due to neglect?  Take a moment to breath deeply.  Then exhale.  Where do you feel the breath stopping?  Where do you feel resistance?  Sit for a moment with that energy, be in that space of deep listening and ask what is needed in this moment.

Purpose is an unfolding lotus.

It changes as we breathe.  The road bends, it turns, as do we.

I love yoga as it is a constant action of surrender.  It is a unification of mind, body, spirit, breath, and purpose.  It is action coupled with intention.  Desire and will holding my space as I move around the mat.  This is how I am choosing to live my life in this moment.

What is calling you in this moment?   Where do you need movement?  Are you restricted in physical mobility, can you improve on this?  If not, find the smallest level possible and breathe into that space… The body is constantly moving, even if we are not.. Let’s join her in this eternal dance.

The Pagan obesity discussion… and debate

The interwebs is alive with discussion regarding obesity and the nature of it being a taboo topic within pagan circles.  Peter Dybing recently posted an article on his blog Pagan in Paradise regarding this oh-so-taboo of topics.  I applaud Peter for taking a step in creating space to have a discussion regarding health within out spiritual communities.

To start off, Obesity is not a “body image issue”, it is a health issue.  Many have lashed out with the thought that this is going to create polarization within the community, that judgment will occur due to body size, etc.  Rather than taking this as an opportunity to discuss creating positive change for health within our pagan circles, we have taken it as an opportunity to attack and tear down each other… see anything hypocritical about this?

Obesity is a global issue, to think that we as magical culture are exempt from the issues that plague society is a narrowing viewpoint.  What I do feel however is that we as a magical community have the power to effect change globally by taking a deeper acceptance of where we are in our pursuit of health.

Before the attacks begin, let me give you a bit of my back story:

I have been on a yo-yo existence with my weight ever since childhood.  I was healthy, but I did not feel satisfied with the extra weight.  Weight even now, is a struggle.  I’ve also had the opportunity to see this issue from multiple perspectives.  I am a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, and yoga instructor.  I am vegan.  I’ve worked for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and have worked in gyms and studios across the east coast.  It was also my responsibility while in the Navy to be a fitness instructor for the Special Warfare candidates.  I have competed in bodybuilding competitions and I have also suffered through struggles with being overweight.

There is a reason why the fitness industry makes over 8 billion dollars a year, and an its the same reason that the pharmaceutical industry makes even more… we surrender our power away to others rather than taking responsibility for where we are.

If we look at the body as a temple.  The soul as the energy that moves through us, it is important for us to improve that temple by whatever means necessary.

Now, lets step this away from a body image issue.  This is not about body image… again, let me stay… this is NOT about body image. 

The problem that I have seem as a fitness professional that is also a member of greater spiritual community is surrender to non-health.  I think that we should absolutely love ourselves no matter what size we are… big, small, and everything in between… However I do not agree with surrendering to poor states of health, poor habits, and poor lifestyle choices.

As members of spiritual community we have a responsibility to our divine work to be part of this experience for as long as possible.  We cannot use our spirituality as a shield to the reality we face as a community.  Obesity as a health issue is an epidemic.  We can pull facts, stats, etc and we can argue both directions.   We begin feeding into a greater illusion that being overweight does not have a damaging effect on the body.  Carrying excess weight not only puts excess stress on the joints, spine, and hormonal system, but it may limit how we engage the world around us.  I agree, greater society does at time make this more about body image than health… why are we feeding into this same illusion?  Are we, as spiritual individuals not able to see through this to the core of what we are supposed to be engaging?

Each of us holds weight differently.  Each of us has a unique beauty.

This is an opportunity for us to have dialogue to create opportunities to engage health in a new and fun way.  Locally we have monthly Pagan Centered Fitness gatherings.

Having these discussions are moments for us to engage in expansion instead of limitation.  We are a spiritual family, and it our responsibility to reach out with compassion and acceptance.  Size is not always an indicator of health, but by the same token, size does add some restriction especially when it is coupled with poor eating, lifestyle, and fitness habits.

Where are you within your body now?

What changes would you like to make to improve overall health and well-being?

How do you feel in this moment?

Where are you giving power away in regards to food?

***This last question is one way we can bring the spiritual aspects into how we relate to food.  Food is a powerful way for us to connect as community.  It brings us together.  Does our spread reflect healthy connections to food?  Do we surrender to certain foods because of emotional attachments?


I am going to do a series of posts on this topic, as I feel this needs to be an ongoing discussion.  Perhaps we can even facilitate an open discussion on conference call to bring actual voices to this issue.

If we don’t talk about issues of health, how are we supposed to engage our communities towards positive evolution?

Michael Brazell, CFT CSN MAT PAT




Coming into alignment with my life: Fasting, Contemplation, and Yoga

Today I kicked off a new direction.  A new re-engagement of my path.  I am choosing to live a more whole-hearted existence.  Even as someone that engages a more direct spiritual path, I sometimes find myself at odds with what I truly want from life and from my path.   I feel at times we really get caught in the actions of giving, and we do not take time for receiving.  I am now going into a place of balance.

When I feel the world around in flux, I move into the internal landscapes.  I am about to engage on a new path, and its time to cleanse and take responsibility for all that is in my life.

So it begins.  I am starting a 40 day (maybe longer) fast.  Now, to some this sounds like an impossibility and/or perhaps a bit loony.  Well, of course!  Taking full ownership of what we put into our bodies is a radical idea.  Food is a source of power and potential.  Its is energy.  It gives us fuel, but we often surrender power away to our food choices.

When I engage in a fast, I go hardcore.  So here are my eating parameters:

  1. I am only drinking water
  2. I am only eating simple non-processed raw foods
  3. I am only going to purchase foods with minimal/no packaging
  4. I will eat a balance of carbohydrates/fats/proteins
  5. I will be kind to myself and those around me while in the detox phase of this dietary transition.

Ok, so why line number 5?  Well, I am starting this in the middle of a Mercury and Uranus retrograde, after being bombarded by solar flares… So, I have to be sure that I am kind to myself, but more so those around me.  When we detox the body starts to purge away toxins stored in the organs, the muscles and fatty tissues.  This can make us initially feel sluggish, weak, and for lack of a scientific term.. BLAH.  We tend to lash out at those that are closest to us in these times, so we have to watch where our actions may be taking us within this space of cleanse.

**Also a special note to loved ones of those engaging in a fast/cleanse:  Be kind to those engaging in this spiritual pursuit.  It’s not easy aligning the body, mind, and spirit through relinquishment of our favorite food stuffs.  Don’t tempt us away from the journey by offering us things that are not in alignment with our goals, support us in our journey towards alignment, and be part of the process through actions of love.

Along with the food parameters I am also adding some lifestyle changes that to this process, as well as some daily tasking that I am to take on:

  1. I am going to do 1 creative thing a day.  Draw, paint, write a poem, sketch, write a story, etc.  I’ll be posting those on this blog.
  2. I am to reduce my ecological footprint as much as possible.  (I’ll discuss this in a bit)
  3. I am to reduce the amount of stuff that I am holding onto.  This is to include clothing, books, ritual items, etc that is no longer serving me towards my goals of alignment.
  4. I am to live a more simple life.  In action and words.  (more on this in a few)
  5. I am to hand make one or two outfits by hand (this is something I’ve always wanted to do.. I’m going very yogaish… and this is gearing me up towards creating the clothing line for the website launch).
  6. I am only to travel with minimal stuff.  I tend to overpack, and carry too much.  I love my books, and instead of taking 4 books with me on one single journey.. I’m making a resolution to take each book I pick up from start to finish.
  7. Daily personal yoga practice/meditation/contemplation of sacred text
  8. I am to start my day at 4:30 am daily to make full time for spiritual practice.

This sounds like a lot, but it really is just about coming into alignment on a deeper level with a lot of things that are currently in my experience.

I am also taking this time to engage a higher level of responsibility for the world around me.  I’m reading a pretty amazing book called: “Radical Simplicity by Jim Merkel”.  The book helps takes you through a process of acknowledging what your eco footprint is and how you can start to reduce that by leaps and bounds.

I am also taking this time to journal more.  To engage introspection on a deeper level.  Daily readings, predictions, channeling and being in spirits energy.

I am also moving towards aligning myself with my community more, which is another reason for the new website.  This will have its own post soon, and its going to be pretty amazing.. so stay tuned!

I am also going to move towards living my yoga completely.  I at one point thought about the possibility of taking my initiated yoga name as my legal name, I’ve been in contemplation of this for a few days now… I am going to realign with that name energetically as I feel it helps me to integrate my spiritual self into my mundane life.

There are a few of you that have expressed coming on this journey with me.  This is a great time for alignment.  Fasting, centering, and breathing are great ways to begin this process.

What are you willing to part with, and for how long?  Fasting can take many forms, and not always food.  You can fast from Facebook, talking, sugar, coffee, etc.  The idea is to regain your power, to hold onto center and to be in alignment with what you want from this experience.

Set a time limit, and remember–there is no failure. We start, and then we stop.  If we stop before we reach the finish line, it gives us a chance to see where we still may be in limitation… this will allow you to come into alignment with actions of expansion.  When we are aware of where we are, we have the power to move forward.

I am also going to be more cautious with the things that I say.  So, if I appear quiet, it is not that something is wrong, or that I am upset, or that I am ignoring you.  It is me, absorbing the beauty of each experience, and then reaching out through that energy with words that are filled with spirit instead of just reacting and giving power to things that do not deserve it.

There are lots of positive changes just on the horizon.  What are you doing to engage your path?  What are you doing to be more in the body?

Stay tuned, much, much more to come!

Mahayogi Das, CFT CSN MAT PAT
