Is it Possible to be Too Awake?

This past weekend I had an awakening of sorts.   I immersed myself in documentaries, blogs, podcasts, and deep reading. There are moments when information hits you, and it stops you in your tracks.   These are moments where reality as you know it ceases to exist and then you have to shift your thoughts, actions, and senses to accept the new reality that is unfolding.  One reality is fractured and then we begin to align to the new reality.  For many of us that do spiritual work, we have had these experiences.   When we are first time mediums, and we have that first experience of ectoplasm or physical interaction with the spiritual world that we can no longer go back to what was before.

I could feel the world around me shifting, and my perception of reality over the weekend has changed.  I could feel myself in the process of awakening, and was aware of everything that was happening in that space.  When we start tuning in to the forces that are working beyond the veil, when we see the interconnectedness of cosmic/local/global events, the words that are heard even when they are not said.   We start moving through the web of illusions and into truth, reality, and a different kind of connection.

I’ll be sharing a lot of the information that I am being shown by my higher self, guides, and what I am learning through an expansion of my research soon. I am doing more to capture my experience, journaling, recording, and documenting so that I can deepen the process of being able to reflect .

There were moments when the expansion grabbed me so intensely that I had to lay on my yoga mat and ground… Then a thought came in– Is it possible to be too awake?

We live in a society that teaches “Ignorance is Bliss”.  Many of us would rather not see than see, but once the veil is pulled back we can not un-see what is seen.  When we start opening our eyes we can try to deny what we are perceiving but once the illusion is shattered all past, present and future events begin to restructure around the new perception.  An example is Santa.  Once we learn that this was actually our parents placing Santa’s name on gifts it takes away all the past “santa presents” and it no longer allows us to see Santa presents in the future as the same.

Society is shifting and changing rapidly.  We can choose to focus on memes of cats, birds, and positive statements or we can choose to engage some of the deeper darker stuff.  Understanding where the pain is allows us to direct healing towards it.

We can do this in a structured way.  Choose to start waking up.  Pick an area of your life that you want to bring attention and awareness towards.  Food is one place to start.  We start looking at how our food affects us.  How are your purchasing choices impacting the world, where do your foods come from, etc and go down the rabbit hole.  Awareness opens us to new realities, but if along the way we find an area that needs healing and energy we can give it.  If we are looking at food and know that local farmers are being kicked out by big Agribusiness we can send light, protection, and healing to those that need it in that space.

We are no longer in a place where we can be complacent in our spirituality.  Spirituality needs to be the place we move from and not the space we just sit in to escape.

Choose to open your eyes, engage your space, and wake up.  Is it possible to be too awake?  There is only one way to find out…

Michael A. Brazell