Channeled Transmission: Stuck in Darkness, Stuck in Light

Dark-and-LightMy guides have been pinging me a lot lately.  I feel that we are on the verge of big change.  They are bringing me new awareness, and my intuition is increasing.  Moving into greater states of trust is where the challenge lies for most of us.  Moving into trusting the deeper calling of the soul can often bring up resistance.  Life is full of challenge, but life is also full of joy and love.  As I watch information come in from a variety of fronts, I am noticing a lot of polarization.  One thing we have to be careful not to get caught in things being too filled with darkness, nor too filled with light.

So, what does that mean exactly.  We can’t be all “doom and gloom”, but we also can’t be completely “love and light”.  The world is a beautiful mixture of each of these principles.  We do not want to get so stuck in positive thinking that we deny the experiences that are unfolding.  We also do not want to get so trapped in impossibility and darkness that we do not enjoy this life experience.

In the coming weeks I will be posting regarding specific events that are taking place, and will take place in the months/years to come.

We are currently being bombarded by  massive amounts of energy.  The solar flares over the year have increased in intensity, and we have faced a lot of difficult astrological alignments.  Imagine for a moment that we as humans are operating at 100 watts of energy.  The new bombardment of energy is causing us to elevate, awaken, and open up.  We are seeing this in the new awareness being actualized in our response to many of the global changes.  People are also becoming more self-aware of their purpose, their path, and who they truly are.  For others, they are not sure how to respond to the changes.  They are becoming confused, feeling disoriented, and anxious.

Overculture is bombarding humanity with much more distraction than ever.  Technology is becoming much more fantastic and in many ways is taking away even the most simple of actions  from everyone.  When distraction reigns overtakes awakening, or replaces it with a false sense of “true” connection movement halts.  True connection is found in simplicity.  True connection is found in the joy shared by human engagement, true connection is found when pen touches page, true connection is found in conversing not texting/emailing, true connection is found when life is shared through interaction with one another.

Technology can serve a purpose, but do not let the built-in distractions keep you away from true connection and purpose.  Wake up to your life fully.  Give attention to those things that are serving your highest good, recognize joy, find gratitude in the small things.

Do not shy away from the struggle, it serves a purpose.  The closer the sandpaper shaves the wood, the more refined the outcome of creation.  What is shaping you in this moment?  Where are you giving your attention?

This is a beautiful time of challenge and change.  The dark comes with the light, find personal balance in each.

You are Loved.  You are Beautiful.  You are Divine.

Michael Brazell, CFT CSN MAT PAT

One thought on “Channeled Transmission: Stuck in Darkness, Stuck in Light

  1. Pingback: Facing the Unknown: An Examination of True Love | bobbieslife

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