Want to be a guest feature on Soul Interaction?

I’m looking for some guest features for this blog!  One of the original reasons I started it was to have a meeting place for all cross sections of spirituality.  I feel that the more we share and interact, the more we grow.  It is more important now than ever that we begin to build sacred space everywhere.  The world around us is changing quickly and when we being to not only explore the depths of our own path, it is important that we also share with others.  You do not have to be a professional blogger, but I do ask that the submissions reflect an aspect of your spiritual journey.  Topics can include: your spiritual path, pathworking, magick/paganism, psychic work, mediumship, paranormal experiences, poems, songs, shadow work, lessons learned through spirituality, astrology, and this list goes on.  If you have an idea and would like to discuss if it would be a fit for Soul Interaction, just drop me a line and we’ll go from there.  Thank you for taking time to read this blog, and for helping to make it grow!  

My contact email is:  michael@michaelbrazell.com

Love and Light

Michael A. Brazell CFT CSN MAT PAT


www.deviantyogi.com (all things yoga)

2 thoughts on “Want to be a guest feature on Soul Interaction?

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